Friday 27 September 2013

Fanø Strikkefestival

Lene Maries hus by Asplund
Lene Maries hus, a photo by Asplund on Flickr.
Last weekend I went to Denmark to teach twined knitting at Fanø Strikkefestival. Fortunately, the participants understood my homemade Danish! I stayed at Lene Maries hus in a charming village called Sønderho. I had a great time and met lots of lovely people, and was especially happy to meet Ann - it was thanks to her that I was invited there.
brioche experiment

I'm happily experimenting with brioche knitting, right now working on a hat knitted from the centre. My first attempt to the left was not a success. I got the shape right, but it was not a very good idea starting with yellow: it looks like a gigantic pimple! ("The Plague Hat"?) So, I started with blue instead and changed the background colour just for fun and I think it looks a lot better.

And this is where I held my workshops:

Sønderho skole
 Hold kæft, hvad flot!


Kerry said...

Congratulations Ivar on your international gig. I love your brioche hat.

Ann said...

Yes, Ivar, it was very pleasant to met you too, and to learn about twined knitting - this beautiful old Swedish knitting technique.

Your workshops were filled up a few hours after opening of the registration in march, so I hope you will be invited to teach in Denmark many more times in the future. Denmark is a dry sponge in relation to opportunities to learn about twined knitting or the details and finishing techniques, you always perform.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised your workshops filled right up and your students got so much out of them. Scotland next!